Hi again its me, azza. I'd like to thank lord tranorix for posting this tip. Well anyways,
Don't you think there are so many cards in the current English game that should be played that no one does like Magic Cylinder or Spell Shield? Or the opposite? Cards like Vampire Lord, Don Zaloog and Mirage of Nightmare? Well its my job to tell everyone about my worthless opinion, this article is about overated cards, my next one will be about underated cards.
                   Overated Cards
1. Vampire Lord. This is numero uno. This is the single most overated card in the whole of Yugioh. Vampire lord is a good card, it did deserve to be very rare, its revival thing is good but the way people go on about it its like they want to make out with it. I want the card myself but its not the best tribute monster. Jinzo and Airknight have always been better.
Ok, first of all with vampire lord, its revival effect is good but there are many ways of just getting rid of him. Granted that battle is the most common way and some people will say equip him an axe or 2 and he'll be unstoppable. For those people, its called chaos. Chaos has the best means of disposing of V-lord with Chaos Sorcerer, BLS and 3 D.D.Warrior Ladys. Yes chaos does use V-lord but so many people play chaos in advanced its not funny. And there are equips to power up normal monsters to destroy V-lord as well as tribute monsters and Beserk Gorillas.
Second of all, for those who said that V-lord was broken while it was unrestricted you were absolutely right. But for the wrong reasons. People said that its deck destruction effect is so good with 3 vampire lords. Well, if you have 3 anyway your oppenent isn't going to be around that long if u keep on doing damage. You only start with 8000 life points anyway. But unless ur oppenent is smoking something really strong they would not let u summon 3 V-lords so easily.
Last of all, V-lord has a really bad attack. 2000 directly isnt anything to scoff at but with all the chaos, burn, water and beasts going around, there are so many counters to his pathetically weak attack. And plus GAF and Lily. Even Giant Orc. Airknight at least had a drawing effect and trample, stuff to screw your oppenent over and make you have more options. THAT's control.
The Bottom Line: Stick him in Zombie Decks and leave it at that.
2. Mirage of Nightmare.
Hmm, maybe i should have put this card 1st. oh well. Mirage of Nightmare to me is only good for one thing. Trade Bait. With Mystical Space Typhoons restriction this card has gone downhill. Really downhill.
First thing, even pre restriction i dont think this card was that good. A top tier deck relies on 40 cards. A deck-out decks dream but i wont go into that. With people running 1 MoN and 3 MST the chances of drawing one of those is 1/10. To draw a MST and MoN is quite low and you might just get 2 MST's anyway. Now post restriction its a very low chance. Sure you could draw 5 cards (its effect activates in ur standby) but you would still be left with only 1 card (unless u already had 1 card+)
Second of all, if you pull it off, its great. But is it really field changing? Your hand will be considerably higher but you will still not dominate the field. Cards like Ring of Destruction, Call of the Haunted, Torrential Tribute, Premature Burial, Snatch Steal, Change of Heart, those are the cards that dominate the field. The field is more important than the hand now with raigeki and its ilk gone. Who cares if you get a new hand? I'd much rather dominate the field with Jinzo, Airknight or BLS.
Lastly, as i mentioned before, the field is more important than the hand. You cant win games from the hand (excluding exodia and burn,) its the field that matters. What does your opponent care if you have BLS in you hand but no light or darks in the graveyard? Absolutely nothing if they control the field. Even if you do have lights and darks, if they control the field chances are they have RoD, TT, Sakuretsu Armour or Call of the Haunted to use at their advantage. This is why Mirage of Nightmare isn't that great.
The Bottom Line: Stick it in your binder or sell it to someone who still thinks its good. 
3. Magic Drain
Ok this card is overated by many Pojo people.
First of all, Magic Drain is good, but its not as if 1 extra card is going to hurt your opponent much. They could just throw away a spell they dont need at the moment thus still allowing them to activate their spell. If i play Pot of Greed and then somone magic drains me i would still throw away something like dimension fusion to get it through, same with Change of Heart or Premature Burial.
Second of All, its not even a sure negation. Your opponent throws away another spell and your opponent is left with -1 card advantage, same as he would if you didnt activate magic drain. I prefer Spell Shield Type-8 because i can get 1 for 1 using riryoku field or still 1 for 1 with magic jammer if i have sinister in my hand. And it is a certain negation, well except if they have 7 tools or solemn judgement but same thing for magic drain.
The Bottom Line: Its a good card (unlike MoN) but dont go over the top about the card advantage.
4. Don Zaloog
This is a card i don't really want to do as i know it is good. But some people go on about like god. So anyway.........
 First of all, Don Zaloog has really bad attack. 1400 will not win any battles by itself. Most likely you will pull off one attack before your opponent just summons Mad Dog or Kycoo or even D.D.Warrior Lady to pound your Don into the ground.
Second of all, people only use Don Zaloog for his hand disruption effect. In Chaos or Control, thats fine but there is not point in using his deck destruction effect unless you play Deck Destruction.  Unless you play OTK there is no way someone is going to be decked out. So everyone treats him as a Dark 1400 White Magical Hat.
Third of all, its only 1 card that you are destroying in your opponents hand. In some cases, that one discard will win you the game but it is very unlikely. Your opponent will just draw a new card anyway and then summon Kycoo or set Sinister or even play Smashing Ground. Pity its 4 stars as if it were 3 stars it would be so good under gravity bind. Discard your opponents hand while safe under gravity bind. That would be sweet as 1 card would be worth more then if it was jinzo or mobius
The Bottom Line: Just because its overated doesnt mean im against it. If you play chaos or control pack 2 in your deck!
And that concludes my overated cards. Next time ill be reviewing underated cards, so feel free to give me ideas for underated cards or more overated cards.
Love me, Hate me? Do i care? But anyway email me at shiny_golden_boy@hotmail.com and ill read your emails.
Until the next time - Azza