THEY SWARM! THE NORMAL MONSTERS! This is L.J. again with a tip. Long time no see. This time I have another "just for fun" deck. The main cards for this strategy is: HEART OF THE UNDERDOG- Each time you draw a normal monster you can draw again during the draw phase SOLEMN WISHES- Each time you draw you gain 500LP ULTIMATE OFFERING- Pay 500LP for an extra set or summon Main strat: Use HEART and WISHES to gain cards and lifepoints. HEART allows you to keep drawing as long as you keep drawing normal monsters. And since each time you have to show your opponent the card before drawing again. Each time is counted as another draw. So if you draw 5 cards you gain 2500LP. Since you gain so much, you can use it to keep summoning monsters and swarm your opp. It's best to keep copies of each card in case they get destroyed. Other combos Fire Princess- Solemn + Heart + Princess: Heal and damage Forced Requisition- Usually you draw so much you need to discard a lot. With forced requisition you can force your opp to discard his/her whole hand at once. Skull Lair + Gren Maju De Eiza- You discard so much, you are sure to have enough in your grave to destroy any monster on the field. When you have enough, summon the Eiza. DNA Surgery + Anti-Aircraft Flower- Use DNA to change all monster into insects. Once you draw enough monsters in your hand. Keep using ultimate offering to summon them to be sacraficed by the Anti-Aircraft. This strat is also ideal for Sword of the Soul Eater, People Running about + Oppressed People + United Resistance + Huge Revolution combo , Ojama Trio combo, getting fusion materials, Blasting the Ruins, and many other cards. One more thing is that you might get worried that your deck will finish by then. Then try get 1-3 Bait Dolls. That way your deck can never finish. Like it? Hate it? Doubt it? Mail me at