The Element Deck ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: Ah, it's good to be back. I haven't seen as many tips or articles lately, so I'd like to statr my return with an article that relates to a decktype that just became playable after rise of destiny. One of the new decks was the raging flame sprite deck, a deck that will definatelyt make burners a force to contend with. But the deck I want to talk about is so underrated, it's not funny. This deck is the element deck. **Constructing the element deck** *I Strengths* This deck is sort of a combination between warrior and beatdown. With this in mind, swarming is an effective tool in this deck. Cards such as marauding captain, cyber jar, and ultimate offering will cover this. Combine this with the beatdown element, for the most important element monsters for this are homucululous, who can change his attribute to power up element dragon and saurus. With 2000 atk, they can take out any monster of their level. We also have element soldier and magician to ensure battle is more sucessful by negating annoying monsters like mystic tomatoe or nimble momonga. *II Weaknesses* There aren't many weaknesses with this deck. One small thing is that this deck has little removal, so the monsters are very vulnerable, and they have little ways of protection. Also, the attck force is reliant on homuculous, the alchemic being. If he's destroyed, your element monsters will lose their effects. Protect them at all costs. *III The Element deck constructed* Tributes:3 Jinzo PSV SCR Mobius The Frost Monarch SOD SR/UTR (*ultimate rare) Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the beginning IOC UR Monsters:17 x3 Homunculus the alchemic being RDS Common x2 Element Saurus RDS Common Element Soldier SOD Common x2 Element Dragon SOD Common x2 Marauding Captain LOD UR Element Magician RDS Common Fiber Jar LOD UR Cyber Jar MRL R Breaker the magical warrior MFC UR Tribe Infecing Virus MFC SR Sinister Serpent SDD Promo DD Warrior Lady DCR SR Spell:13 Premature Burial PSV UR Heavy Storm MRD SR Pot of Greed LOB R Mystical Space Typhoon MRL UR Change of Heart MRD UR Snatch Steal MRL UR The Forceful Sentry MRL UR Reinforcement of the army LOD SR x2 Enemy Controller AST UR Back to square one RDS Common Smashing ground IOC Common Nobleman of Crossout PSV SR Trap:7 Call of the Haunted PSV UR Ring of Destruction PGD SCR Magic Cylinder LON SCR Ultimate offeringx2 SDJ Common Waboku SDJ Common Torrential Tribute LON UR *IV Closing comments* Some cards are more important than others. You can always substitute the less important cards for maybe a solar flare dragon or Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan. Well, thats all, folks, I am not even finished getting extra copies of cards for this deck, and It is beating decks with mostly holos already! Try this deck! Email: is this deck effective in your opinion? Which deck should I make next? 1. Raging Flame Sprite 2. Mystic Swordsman 3 The Creator Choose!