The all powerful...Spirit Deck?~Cloak Kandagger
Spirit monsters:
    with the exception of yata-grasu spirit monsters don't see much play, which is a real shame  because a well made spirit-deck has the potential to dominate most everything out there (and drive your opponent crazy in the process), but in order to realize their full potential under stand the basic Spirit combo
(note, I play with a 50-card deck so some numbers might need to be ajusted, also I won't rattle off an entire deck because everyone plays differently)
{basic spirit combo}
A bunch of spirits: basic effect, this card cannot be special summoned.  This card returns to your hand durring the endphase of the turn that this card is normal summoned, flip summoned, or flipped face up.
You may not see it right away but the cards don't say FROM WHERE OR BY WHO!!!  This of coarse lead us to the next part of the combo
3x Ultimate Offering: (Trap/continuous) At the cost of 500 Life Points either player can preform another summon or set
the trick with this one is it doesn't say once per turn or anything like that.  At this point your probably going, "So what? they return to my hand at the end of the turn." or something like that at which point I will say, "Exactly!!!" now before you all go, "huh?" lets look at part 3
3x Spring of Rebirth: (Spell/continuous) gain 500 life points every time monsters return form the feild to your hand
It's begining to make sense isn't it?  Summon a hord of spirits and not lose life points for it Oh the possiblities. (note, I've checked with a whole bunch of sources and I'm pretty sure the effect should be read "every time a monster" but I could be wrong)
2x Spirits Invitation: (Trap/continuous) pay 500 life points during each of your standby phases, each time a spirit monster returns to your hand select 1 monster on your opponents side of the feild to his hand
The addition of this card disrupts your opponents strategy and is key to the final part of this combo
3 or 4 launchers (Catapult Turtle, Amazon Archer, etc.): (basic effect) offer monsters on your side of the field to hurt your opponent
This combo produces an INFINITE BURN with opponent disruption and life point gain on your part. (note, spring of rebirth only works for monsters on the field so with your spirits returning from the graveyard  you have to use your opponent's monsters instead [spirit's invitation]) The best thing is if your opponent destroys one part (or several) what remains still work fairly well and the only thing that can really stop it is a very speedy beatdown deck.
Spirit Monsters to use:
generally any level 5+ Spirit is a bad idea, but Yamata Dragons effect is so good (especially after draining your hand of every spirit monster) I can't resist. However save the rest of those slots for some thing more solid (like catapult turtle).
Most level 4- monsters work except for the fallowing...
Yata-Grasu (it's effect is almost pointless in this deck)
The one with the book of moon effect (what are you going to flip over?)
and Maharagi (alot of the others are better)
Non-spirit monsters:
because generally your a sitting duck on your opponents turn special precautions must be taken
things like Hane-hane/Penguin Soldier, Wall of Illusions/Kelbek, and Gaurdian Sphinx
have effects that help you and drive your opponents crazy so add them in multiples
searching things like bubonic vermin (my favorite of them), nimble momonaga, and troup dragon go a long way to protect your life points
big defenders like Gear Golem (one of my favorite cards ever), soul tiger and roulette barrel
also keep you safe from harm.
beatsticks like amazoness paladin, blazing impachi, and hysteric fairy keep your opponents on their toes (why I'm not using something more conventional I'll explain in a minute)
and finally the variety of evil effect, 6-star beatsticks, and favorite spell/trap cards we know and love
Additional Spell/Trap cards
with the exception of Susa Soldier most spirits aren't very strong so here are some ways to power them up
Luminous spark/Molten destruction/Gaia power.  Allow me to explain: you choose one of these field cards and then build your deck around it
Example:Gaia Power powers up Susa Soldier, Kelbek, Hane-hane, Amazon Archer, and Amazoness Paladin(ah-ha!)
While Luminous Spark powers up Asura Priest, Hysteric Fairy, Otohime, and the white rabbit whose name I can't remember (no mail about that, please)
And finally Molten Destruction powers up Yamata Dragon, Fushi-no-tori, and Blazing Impachi
other good power-ups are Horn of the Unicorn (It comes back to!), and Mega-Morph (you probably don't want this after the turn you use it anyway), finally stalling thing like nightmare wheel will give you some time to recooperate,and of coarse don't forget your favorites
When well-constructed your opponents will feel their headachebefore you even challenge them
Questions? Comments? Fan-mail about my truly awesome deck building skills?  contact me at bye all!