Sidedeck Building - Shuriken
Hey guys, Shuriken here again with another article, again, not on originality, but with helpful dueling tips. In this one, I will describe how to build a sidedeck. First off, I need to say that everyone's sidedeck will probably be different, because everyone's decks are different (hopefully), and everyone's meta is different. So here's my tips on building a sidedeck, and since it's my article, I'll be writing in on my stall deck, and for my meta.
1. Analyze your meta
You need to know what everyone is playing, so you can make a sidedeck to help you somehow against almost everyone. My meta, is 2 chaos, 4 beatdowns, and 2 burn, so right now, my stall deck has fun against the beatdown, but I need some help against the chaos and burn. Once you analyze your meta, you can know what type of cards need to go in your sidedeck.
2. Find cards that can work against your meta
For this, you need to think, and for those of you with CCC decks, you don't need to think a lot to play them, so this might be a little challenging, because your deck might not need a sidedeck, if that is the case, then why did you start reading this article - -' Anyways, back to the original decks lol. These are cards I would consider for my sidedeck
to fight burn - Barrel Behind the Door, Trap of Board Eraser, Solemn Wishes
basically, to counter act burn, hit them with their own damage lol, and Solemn Wishes would work for a bit of life gain
to fight chaos - Soul Release, Nobleman of Crossout, Jowgen the Spiritualist, Royal Oppression
again, to fight chaos, I would want to get rid of their mons, so they can't summon the monsters of cheapness lol ^^
against beatdown - high def. mons, stall cards like Messenger of Peace
3. Build it and try it out next time you duel one of the deck you have cards sidedecked for
Right now, my sidedeck looks like this:
2x Solemn Wishes
2x Barrel Behind the Door
1x Trap of Board Eraser
2x Messenger of Peace (to help with beatdown)
2x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
2x Nobleman of Crossout
2x Soul Release
2x Jowgen the Spiritualist
That's my sidedeck, it works fine, I've play tested it
Above all, just use the three steps I listed, and you should be fun
Happy sidedecking ^^
Shuriken aka. Aaron