Odion based Deck idea - KOGS
    This deck is based on the deck used by Odion (or Rishid if you prefer the Japanese version) in the Yugioh anime using mostly trap cards to disrupt the opponents game plan. My version also uses direct damage (Judgment, Ring, Ceasefire, Desserts) to make up for its lack of attack monsters except for End of Anubis, true he's not trap based but it's the closest thing that the English game has to Mythical Beast Serkit right now.
    The masks of darkness allow the most powerful traps like Ring, Ceasefire, and Torrential to be reused over and over and the Night Assailants allow the Masks to be brought back to my hand after a Judgment or Magic Jammer so I can reset them.They also provide some monster removal incase Jinzo should rear his ugly metal head.
    The Book(s) of Moon can also shut Jinzo off long enough for a Raigeki Break or a Torrential or flip Mask/Assailants back down for another flip. At the very least they're good discard ammo for Cursed Seal.
     The Jars may seem like an odd choice but Cyber does provide monster removal and both can provides a quick reload if I get low on ammo.
Monsters 9
3x Mask of Darkness
2x Night Assailant
1x Cyber Jar
1x Fiber Jar
1x Sinister Serpent
1x The End of Anubis
Magic 10
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Mirage of Nightmare
3x Book of Moon
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
Traps 21
1x Barrel Behind the Door
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Ceasefire
2x Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
1x Fake Trap
1x Imperial Order
2x Judgment of Anubis
1x Just Desserts
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Mirror Force
1x Raigeki Break
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit
1x Torrential Tribute
3x Waboku
Sidedeck 15
2x Bad Reaction to Simochi
1x Barrel Behind the Door
1x Curse of Anubis
1x Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
1x Drop Off
1x Dust Tornado
2x Just Desserts
2x Magic Jammer
1x Nightmare Wheel
1x Sakuretsu Armor
2x Time Seal
Send any comments, ideas, or tweaks to kogs@suscom-maine.net