Monster Gate is everyone using it RIGHT!
Okay Monster Gate lets read the text
-Monster Gate-
Offer 1 Monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Pick up cards from your Deck until you pick up a Monster that can be Normal Summoned and Special Summon it. Send any other cards picked up to the graveyard.
Okay lets review the rules
-Normal Summon- Any monster that can be summoned straight to the field without a tribute or another card.
-Tribute Summon- Any Monster that you must tribute one or more monsters that are on the field
Okay now lets get to my problem
I hear and see people summoning high level monsters with this and I thought(Im not positive on this) that Tribute monsters couldnt be Normal summoned wich would mean you wouldnt be able to get out say Summoned Skull with this because it cannot be Normal Summoned
unless a Tribute Summon is a Normal Summon just a different kind. Hopefully the experts here at Pojo's can clear this up for us all.