Hand Advantage... Hand Advantage and luck in my mind is the most important keys to winning a duel, since luck is not a controllable factor focusing on gaining a card advantage is very key. What cards can bring hand advantage to you? There are two types positive and negative, positive being any card that makes you have draw more cards than your opponent so cards like pot of greed, graceful charity, and painful choice, so negative would be any card that makes your opponent discard cards from there hand, so cards like don zaloog, spirit reaper, delinquent duo, forceful sentry, and confiscation. Most every deck runs postives, but not all have negatives running. Delinquent duo and pot of greed give or take two cards and give you a +1 card advantage against your opponet. Cards like forceful sentry and confiscation give you chance to see your opponets hand and pick 1 vitial card to remove from there hand so even though this 1 to 1 making you have equal card count as your opponet you have just broken the backbone of your opponet's hand. The goal behind gaining card advantage is to be one step ahead of your opponet and possible (before ban list) get a chance to yata lock your opponet or just make them top deck there only card for that turn. I have won alot of duels just by gaining a card advantage. Matt Petrie A local player to most KC KS tourneys Cynancorp@hotmail.com j