BEWD gravity bind tip/deck - yami Bewd gravity bind tip/deck The object of this deck is to stall until you can get out your 3 bewd. Plus it¡¦s a good burner. Otherwise you can finish them off with a giant soldier of stone. This deck is good if your opponent has all powerful monsters, it may have a little many cards but they all are worth it! IF you have any of these cards in your hands and know how to use them as I know how to then you are garunteed a victory. I think my descriptions say a lot about the strategy of this deck, you just have to read it. You may want to add another extra gravity bind just to be safe or you may want to leave out some cards. Enjoi! Monsters 4-8: 10 Blue eyes x3 Lord of D. x2 (uses flute) Kaiser sea horse (counts as 2 sacrifices for bewd) Mystic tomato (getting out a witch to get out a soldier) Marie the fallen one (LP increase) Cure mermaid (lp increase Witch (getting out a soldier) Giant rat (getting out a soldier) Monsters 1-3: 23 Kuriboh x2 (good for taking damage) Giant soldier of stone x3 Sangan (getting out a soldier) Ameba (LP burn) Griggle (LP increase) Nimble momonga x3 (LP burn) Parasite paracide x3 (LP burn) Mask of darkness (getting gravity bind back) Magician of faith x3 (Preferably swords but if u haven¡¦t used it yet then a reborn) Hane hane x2 (good for getting clear of your opponents monsters) Man-eater bug x3 (same) Traps: 7 Gravity bind (stalling) Shadow spell (good for strong monsters) Spellbinding circle (same) Just deserts (LP burn) Gift of the mystical elf (LP increase) Dark spirit or the silent (Always nice to have ƒº) Backup soldier (good for getting soldiers back to the field) Magic: 20 Axe of despair (good boost for soldier) Horn of the unicorn (same) Horn of light (same) Flute x2 (for getting bewd to the field) Final flame x2 (LP burn) Tremendous fire (LP burn) Ookazi (LP burn) Soul exchange (griggle and ameba) Dian keto the cure master x3 (LP increase) Mage power (only good if m/t on field) Pot of greed (better chances of drawing good cards) Monster reborn (if bewd in grave then bring him back) Swords (good for stalling) Raigeki (Bye Bye opponents monsters) Remove trap (for removing gravity bind when all bewd on field) Despell (just incase) Total cards: 60 Any questions email me at: