A Few Misc. Combos- Alboski
Here are a few card combos I thought up that dont go together but are good if they can fit in your deck.
-Card Destruction And Protector of the Sanctuary-
Card Destruction makes your opponent discard and PotS keeps them from drawing cards outside of there Draw phase so its a complete Hand destruction combo and if you add a few Drop Off's you can really mess your opponent up with this.
-Card Destruction, Magician of Faith, and Sasuke Samurai #3-
Get 2 or 3 MoF's on the Field next turn summon SS3 give him something to either power him up or let him attack directly or destroy all of your opponents monsters first but make him do damage. Then you get 7 cards in your opponents hand CD flip MoF CD flip MoF CD thats 21 cards out of your opponents Deck by the time you get this on the field thats going to hurt really bad maybe even make them deck
-Card Destruction and Dark Designater-
Sick of Chaos Emporer Dragon is that Chaos Soldier pissing you off then this is the combo for you just call either of those names with DarkD and CD it poof no more CED or CS because they cannot be summoned any more your opponents entire deck just started to suck really bad.
-The Exodia Combo to end all Exodia combos-
Wanna make an Exodia deck that only contains 24 cards I know you do so here is how
make an Exodia deck.
-5 pieces of Exodia
-3 Jar of Greed
-Pot of Greed
-Graceful Charity
-1-3 Emissary of the After Life(Depending on if it gets restricted)
Add a few staples and a few good Monsters and there you go.
Now I know your saying thats not a legal deck but here is the rest add F Message and 3 of each letter I, N,A,L and thats it. Now this is what you do you play normaly try to get Final on the Field yeah I know what your thinking its going to get destroyed quick yeah it might the way decks are nowadays but if it does that just trimmed your exodia deck by 15 cards and if they dont destroy it you win so there you go hope you enjoy.