Rant about Deck Types- Rollo T > >I am a duelist. I've been dueling in Yu-Gi-Oh from about the time it >first >came out, and I have to say dueling back then was a lot more fun than it >is now. Now I'll admit it, I don't win every match I play, but just about >everyone I've dueled said that I'm a good duelist, now I don't consider my >skill being represented by my deck. To me a person's deck has a small >effect on the outcome of a duel, rather it's the person's skill and >sometimes sheer luck that really effect the outcome of a duel. I myself >personally use decks like Machine, Direct Damage, and my Dragon Deck, but >sometimes when I duel someone and tell them that I use a Blue Eyes they >think I'm a newbie. I personally have had people say that, duel me, and I >destroyed them, because I used my own skill to use my cards to the fullest. > >So from now on if you see someone with common cards in their deck don't >assume their newbie morons just because instead of Jinzo they have >Blue-Eyes White Dragon, becuase for all you know, that Blue Eyes could be >the card that beats you. > >RolloT88@aol.com >Chris Larios