Anti-Chaos Cards- Duelist103 > >Hey, this is my first tip posting on pojo, and first off I'd like to >thank >everyone at pojo for all they do. Anyway onto my tip of anti chaos. I >recently ran a Hand/Graveyard control deck and i found the weakest points >in the almighty chaos monsters. Forget removing the light and dark from >play (although big burn from Invasion of Chaos helps) but just make them >useless. Im talking about an errataic card, I present to you mr >Anti-Chaos, Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer. Kycoo's effect makes it impossible >for your opponents to remove monsters from play thusly effectivly killing >off big bad CED. Kycoo has a decent defense, and is witch searchable >making him the perfect Anti-Chaos, as well as Anti-Necro card. > > >Props, Hatemail ill take it all email me > Duelist103 >