konami conspiracy

i have read all of the hatemail about upperdeck and i have come up with a reason for all the trouble. as well all know konami is a japanese company, and upperdeck is our  american producer of english cards. upperdeck can only print what konami says so the logical conclusion is that konami is trying to control production in order to favor japanese players. before you call my theory garbage think about it, why is there such a huge gap in card availability and rarity. i think that by making easily obtainable cards by japanese players nearly impossible and extremely expensive for american players konami is unofficially showing favor in the form of market control. this leads me to believe it is an effort to control the world championship tournament held in japan. meanwhile upperdeck is not to blame, they are simply an unwitting pawn in the battle for deck supremecy. thank you for your time and in time i will be proven right or wrong, whatever the outcome i stand by my theory until contrary evidence proves otherwise.

eli the duelist
email me at: eli_the_swordsman@yahoo.com