The Unfriendly Amazon - Animebuu
Hello everyone,
This is my first tip on Pojo so if you don't want to listen to my tips then just hit back and don't complain.  I've been playing since the game first came out and I've seen that many good cards from way back when aren't being used anymore, in fact really never were.  But with all these new cards coming out they can now be used without much aprehension.  Two of these cards are The Unfriendly Amazon and Muka Muka.
I'll begin with The Unfriendly Amazon:Offer 1 of your monsters on the field as a Tribute (excluding this monster) during each of your Standby Phases. If you cacnnot, this card is destroyed.  Monsters used for a tribute Summon or that are offered as Tributes due to other cards effects are excluded.
Benefits:Instant 2000 attacker, possible first turn, good in Warrior, Earth and Amazon Decks
Downside: It's effect
These are cards that help your Unfriendly Amazon
1.  Scapegoat- this can do wonders with Unfriendly Amazon (now will be referred to as UA) Allows you 4 easy turns with her.  And you can have up to 3 of these cards.
2.  Last Will- this allows your UA to get in some good hits by bringing out more monsters to sacrafice.  Good in an Earth and/or Warrior deck
1.  Solomon's Lawbook- Allows you to skip your standby phase.  Which means you will not have to sacrafice monsters(hehehe!!)
Monsters (listed by possible combos):
1.  Sinister Serpent- When in your grave yard comes back to your hand during your standby phase.  Wich means you use the turn after it comes back to your hand (slight drawback) so you would have to last until then.
2.  Spear Cretin- Allows you two summon a monster from your graveyard.  Which means you could special summon it back to the field for nest turn.  Draw back- has to be flipped the turn before,
3.  D.D Scout Plane + Banisher of Light- Use UA effect and sacrafice D.D. Scout Plane, but since you have banisher of light face up on the field it is removed from play instead of going to the graveyard.  This is where D.D. Scout Plane's effect kicks in, since it is removed from play it is then special summoned back to your side of the field during your end phase.  Allowing you to sacrafice it a gain next turn.  (This is my favorite!!)
Muka Muka: Increase the Atk and Def of this card by 300 points for every card in your hand.
Benefits: Good card- especially in Gravity Bind Decks- it's effect
Downside: It's original attack, and that you need a few cards in your hand to really use this
These are Helpfull cards for Muka Muka: (Why is this not in Gravity Bind Decks- Hello?)
1.  Heiroglyph Lithograph- Allows you to hold 7 cards in your hand making it's possible Atk power 2700 and Def power 2400!!!
2.  Infinite Cards- Allows you to have INFINITE CARDS!!!!!   A.K.A   INFINTE POWER!!!
3.  Card of Safe Return- Allows you to draw a card each time a monster to the field from the grave yard- goo with Revival Jam
1.  Jam Defender- good if you have revival jam and the other cards - makes your opponent attack Revival Jam
1.  Revival Jam: Major source of possible infinite power
Obviously if you do not have the revival jam cards and even if you do Add any card you think gives you good drawing power, so you can increase your attack!!
From Duelist AnimeBuu (P.S. I know what I'm talking about)
If you like my tips, need help, or if you have more or if you thought this was a waste of your time email me at