Yata vs fenrir
ok so when ioc came out it was all about the three big chaos monsters but there was a card in the set that is just as good if not better then a secret rare in lod that is known as yata garasu the card i am talking about is a common card named "fenrir" it has the same effect as yata almost he effect reads as followed
-this card can only be special summoned by removing 2 water monsters in your graveyard from play. when this card destorys an opponent's monster as a result of battle, your opponent skips his/her next battle phase
 now isn't that good i think it is great for a water deck and it does almost the same stuff as yata so if you have heard of yata and its greatness but you dont have one you should just get 3 of these little guys and a water deck and you could be unstopable so use this card if you want
 e-mail me at pigsfly5@metrocast.net or I.M. me at GPantsButt so we can talk yugioh or about how u r going to send me money bye