Jowgen the Chaos Killer - by Valor2k In the new IOC playing field there are great monsters. Not only great many argue broken. They will painful choice, graceful charity or let you kill of their light/dark monsters just to special summon that Chaos Emperor. Heck I've even seen a couple of Dark Paladin decks running around, tough monsters to beat usually, but all you have to do is side deck Jowgen The Spiritualist LON-061 and all your worries are gone. the only problem with him being his low stats. If you can find a way to keep him around, you can put a complete stop to chaos decks, magical scientist decks (can't special summon those fusion monsters darn). All it costs you is a card from your hand, if your in mid duel your probably down to 2 cards anyway so let them end up with that sinister serpent or marie the fallen one either way great cards to trash. Any comments, complains, corrections let me know at