Subject: Cloud's MFC cards to use (along with new deck types) With the new "Magician's Force" expansion, several new things emerge; new archtypes, new strategies and, of course, new cards. Some notable new deck types are: The XYZ Dragon (and all of it's components) Deck- Seeing as I have no "real" experience with XYZ decks, I can't say much, although they do have some game-breaking effects. The Dark Magician Deck- Finally, the Dark Magician deck is no longer a joke to play! With such cards as the Dark Magician Girl, Skilled Dark Magician, the Black Paladin and Diffusion Wave-Motion, it actually stands a chance against other decks! The "Union" Deck: Truthfully, this is kinda sorta meh. Just some unorthodox cards with obscure effects. Anime Deck: With the new White Dragon Paladin card, Dark Magician and Buster Blader with all of their combo cards, this deck is extremely fun to play with and against. Not too great though. Amazoness Deck: Lots of odd amazon cards. Quite a yummy deck, although not top-notch. Some notable cards are: Sonic Duck- Laugh at me all you want, this is good for weenie rush decks. Breaker the Magical Warrior- 1337, uber and all other words meaning "the absolute best card in all of Magician's Force". T-I Virus- Sweet removal, with a low price. Luster Dragon- Huh? This was in LOD too, but now it's way better. I wonder if you can have 3 of each...? Skilled White/Black Magicians- Black is better than White, but still, both can summon quite nice Monsters. There are many more cards, but I don't really have time to name them all.