Subject line:Try these decks instead of beat down-Tsoi Thank you for posting me on Sept entitled CCG-tips so since it was posted I will continue to talk a bout decks other than beat down. Anyway if you need help on decks that aren't beat down look at the bottom for my email address (and of course if your going to bash me and tell me I suck) Also let me continue Cards that are in beat down have more effect in a deck of there own (spear dragon, bazoo the soul eater Kycoo the ghost destroyer etc) Here are so decks with the cards Where's your deck? Here is an interesting deck which is around kycoo the ghost destroyer and fiber jar. This is sorta long term. This deck isn't really specific and has to be 40 cards or higher and uses all kinds or cards and combo. Well its about destroying the graveyard and starting the game all over. How you ask? Soul release, disappear, Fiend comedian, kycoo the ghost destroyer. Grave robber's retribution and anything that takes out cards from the graveyard. Which makes cards like monster reborn, premature burial, magician of faith, mask of darkness anything that removes cards from play then using fiber jar. This deck puts fiber jar to full use. Soul release 15 cards, make 3 cards disappear Attacking with kycoo the ghost destroyer , if you feel lucky fiend comedian, then top it off with grave robber's retribution. So put out of play half of his or her deck then fiber jar him draw 5 cards maybe get a free attack with kycoo. So he will either deck out or run out of life points. This deck is slow but you can speed it up with mirage of nightmare. This deck is like a beat down because you have to attack with kycoo to use his effect. This deck can't use bazoo or skull lair unless you pack three miracle digs just in case fiend comedian back fires. Sprits These type of decks are around sprit monsters. These decks have to be played like playing a god card. (I know they can't be played) You have to use revival Jam, jam defender, jam breeding machine, Spring of Rebirth, Smoke Grenade of the Thief, Blast with Chain, Spirit's Invitation, Last Turn an those once thought unplayable sprit monsters. Okay I saw one guy play with this deck and he won the tournament after beating me. After that everyone wanted to imitate his deck no one could. So if any one wants help to make an effective deck with sprit monster please email me. I wish to help anyone who wants try it. Anyway I don't have much experience on these but I remember the deck like it was yesterday. Remember that you can tribute jam tokens. You use revival jam much like seeker in yu-gi-oh wait till you have two sack them for hino-kagu-tsuchi equip him with blast with chain or grenade of the thief attack make sure to hit life points he comes back and use the effects of the equips and the sprit comes back. (Don't forget to activate spring of rebirth so you can pay revival jam) maybe use Inaba White Rabbit. Just don't put premature or call of the haunted in your deck. Its useless. Maybe monster reborn. Any way let me go more in-depth with this combo because I reread it and it doesn't make sense. Activate jam breeding machine. Then summon a revival jam. Put jam defender. Which should be easy with card destruction, Graceful charity, mirage of nightmare. All of these destroy your hand to get a new one and the important thing is who cares. Sprits can't be special summoned. So wait till you get the jam cards then next turn use any sprit in your hand. They all have good effects Maharaghi, Inaba White Rabbit Susa Soldier, Yamata Dragon, Great Long Nose, Otohime, Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi, Asura Priest, or Fushi No Tori any of them are good with this combo. You know what else offerings to the doomed is great here. Because you don't really need to draw. Have revival jam, jam breeding machine, jam defender, two springs of rebirth and inaba white rabbit and you can almost call it game. One last thing all the decks I have said can always use the help of pot of greed which to me is the only real staple and if this one is post I'll tell you why and what aren't staples. Okay I'm tired so if you need any help on a deck other than beat down or just want to say I suck here's my email address