Subject: Earth deck tips - Castertroy05 Earth Deck Tips To be honest, Earth beatdown are one of the best type beatdowns out there w/ gemini elfs, jurai gumos, GAF, and Gearfried. I have won many tournaments with my deck even against all types decks. I won't be posting my deck, because I dont' want to go to the next tournament and see an exact replica of mine. Therefore, I'll be helping you guys out w/ some tips that i use to build mine. I concentrate on one hit k.o.'s and if not major damage in one shot. Flip-effect cards: To be be honest, they suck. Magican of faith, Mask of darkness, and etc are slow. If you are beatdownm, rely on magic and traps but don't waste a turn of attacking to try and get back a magic or trap. If your opponent is wide open you want to attack. How sucky would it be to draw a flip monster when you could've drawn and 1800 and up atker? I use only one flip and that is morphing jar#2. If you run beatdown, you want more magic and traps than monsters. If so, running cyber jar will risk leaving you open for your opponent to atk. Use morphing jar when they have lots of monsters, killing off their magic and traps..and putting their monsters into def. Ratio cards: REmember: More magic and traps to MOnsters. I have 18 monsters and 25 magic and traps. This ratio will help you defeat your opponent more effiently. Don't put in so many traps. I use only 6 and I keep it that way. Traps are slow and will not help you defeat your opponent quickly. MOnsters: Jurai Gumos are good earth monsters. People say they suck because you might lose half your life points. WIth right timing they are deadly. they make a good offensive defensive stall which can help out a lot against kycoo, gemini elfs, and other 18+. But you want to atk with them. SO what if you lose half? The fact is it still atks. Take the chance. It will make the game more exciting. Make good use of those rock spirits from LON. Heres a quick combo: Put down exiled force and tribute to destroy any monster usually SS or BEWD or JINzo. THen remove from play to put down rock spirit and attack. I hope my post makes it and some of those potential decks can become good earth decks. That flip effect tip can really help out all beatdown decks of all kinds. COmments and whatever to :