Subject: A Few Strong Strategies - Mike W. Well, I have read strategies from this site (Pojo) and have decided to write a few of my own. Cards Needed: Torrential Tribute and Scapegoat Does your opponent have strong monters on the field? Do you not have a Dark Hole, Raigeki, but have a Torrential Tribute and Scapegoat? Yout opponent doesn't summon monters, and you want to clear the feild. Play scapegoat, and then activate that Torrential Tribute. There, a clear feild! Cards Needed: Jinzo #7 x3, Barrel Dragon, Cannon Soldier, Limiter Removal, Ultimate Offering It would be nice if you could clear your opponent's side of the feild. Ultimate Offering is usded to get the monters you need out on the feild. Get three Jinzo #7s out along with a Barrel Dragon and Cannon Soldier, Then hit Limiter Removal. If your opponent has a monter, use Barrel dragons effect. If i is destroyed, and that's his only one, attack with all the monsters, killing him. If you can't clear the field, attack with the Jinzo #7s (If you equip one with UWS and Mage Power, the game would be almost be over). If you cannot attack directly with Cannon Soldier or Barrel Dragon, use Cannon Soldier's effect, and sacrifice all four, 2000 LPs off your opponent. The minimum you could do with all these cards is 5000. Cards Needed: Goblin Attack Force, Curse of Feind As you all know, after attacking with Goblin Attack Force, you must switch it to defence mode, and may not switch it back next turn. Well, I am not sure if this will work, or is allowed, but while the Goblin is in defence mode, you could play Curse of Feind to get it in attack mode. Cards Needed: Call of the Haunted, United We Stand, A Monter with a fairly low attack (Princess of Tsurgi, Mask of Darkness, ect.) Set Call of the Haunted down, and have the United We Stand equiped with your monter. Wait for your opponent to attack your monter with the equipted United We Stand. When he/she does, activate Call of the Haunted, increasing your monter's attack by 800 more. Thus, destroying your opponent's monter! Well, here's a few for now. I'll write more when I think of some. E-mail: AIM: Undertaker1753 YIN (If it works): GhEtToThUg420PoT