Subject: quit bashing valuable decks Why do people always assume that just because someone has a bunch of ultra rare cards in their deck that the person is rich and that they're spoiled rotten. Here's a little newsflash-my deck is worth over $400 and I havent spent a DIME. How? ebay and paypal. using the two to sell off old common cards that my firends gave me, i was able to get a few rares. A few battle city style games gave me some more, then i started doing retail on ebay(ie i would buy something for $5 and sell it for $10). I spent 8 months scraping out every nickel i could, and as a result i have the best deck in my school, and im the undisputed champion. I went from dead last to the top of the stack through hard work, not being spoiled-or spending anything, for that matter. So dont just assume that kid with jinzo, three gemini elfs, magic cylinder, mirror force (which i all have by the way)is spoiled-he may have worked hard to get them. Want to send hate mail? OK-i love reading that stuff. my email is and my AIM screenname is setokaibafan013. O yeah-Gate Guardian sux!