Subject: a few LOD card reviews- Melted Pink Alright, well now that everyone has seen the new set 2 weeks early, I suppose it's time to tell everyone what cards are good and what cards are not from this new set. Now we've sure got a lot of seemingly nice, powerful, shiny cards, but I ask you, which ones are worth having? Here are the mini reviews, followed by my top ten. Enjoi scabs. Our first and MOST overrated shiny card is going to get me a lot of hate mail. I'm sitting here looking, and I can't for the life of me figure out why INJECTION FAIRY LILY is a Secret Rare. Sure, it'll be limited, so? 2000 LP is a pretty price to pay for a slightly bigger hit. ... Sure, it kills Jinzo, but Bazoo (another obsolete card now) can do that. I have two of these, and one will go in side deck against a couple gravity bind decks coming out in my area with the new set, but I'd shoot myself before I main-deck it, unless I myself run the Bind. On to number 2... Drop Off. It's a Super Rare, should be a common. Yata does it's job MUCH better than this card, plus it's a trap. Too counterable, waste of space spent on a better card. Numbers 3, 4, and 5 are all in the same review... the new FUSIONS! Yay fusions... Fusion Gate woohoo! rock on. Play these fusions and I'll laugh in your face. Only 2000 ATK? good god, there are so many 4-stars that match that and beat it. Don't play these unless it's you against your 1-year-old sister. Crap there's more... CRAP. Bottomless Trap Hole. Situationally better, but with Kycoos running amuck, you'll never use it. It's the same situation with Crossout and Kycoo... any card that REMOVES monsters can't be used when your opponent has Kycoo out. Bummer... that's why it's a rare. Add to the fact that it's a trap, and you've got it sitting right back down even with it's buddy Trap Hole. Play this if your opponent plays a Suicide deck. Other than that... don't bother, stick to Torrential. Still good for just a rare. and our last review is for... hmm... I don't know, you tell me. E-mail me with your top 5 and the 5 with the most votes gets it next time. Now for my top ten! My favorite cards out of the set: 1. Yata-Garasu 2. Creature Swap 3. Marauding Captain 4. Smoke Grenade of the Thief 5. Fiber Jar 6. Airknight Parshath 7. Twin-Headed Behemoth 8. Exiled Force 9. Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi 10. Spear Dragon Want to e-mail me and tell me I suck? I'll read the e-mail don't worry, i read them all. Give me some tips, tell me Injection Fairy Lily rocks, i don't care. Give me your top 5 for my next set of reviews. It all takes place at E-mail me. Do it. You know you want to.