Subject: The Legendary Fisherman, LoD, and YOU -Pegasus On 5/29/03, the PoJo staff reviewed A Legendary Ocean. Nearly every reviewer stated that TLF would receive the 200-point bonus as per ALO's effect that it boosts WATER Main-type monsters' ATK and DEF by 200 points. They were, for some reason, wrong. This is ALO's text: This card's name is treated as "Umi". Downgrade all WATER monsters in both player's hands and on the field by 1 Level. Increases the ATK and DEF of all WATER monsters by 200 points. As you can clearly see, this does NOT apply to TLF. Since ALO being face-up is equivalent to Umi being face-up, it would not be affected by ALO while it is on the field (due to ALO's being a magic card and TLF's being immune to the effects of magic cards). Therefore, it would not receive a boost. (While it is in your hand, it will have its level decreased to four. Once it is summoned, its level reverts back to five because ALO no longer affects TLF) Now, look at this next sentence and think long and hard about it. TLF is a WARRIOR TYPE. What does ONE THIRD OF LOD spend its time making better? Warrior decks. WHAT DOES THIS MAKE YOU THINK OF? I think that TLF and ALO should NOT be used in all-water decks but, rather, an odd combination water-warrior deck. (Also using Deepsea Warrior, of course) The main problem with that? Most of these Warrior cards support level four or lower warriors. Since, unfortunately, ALO's effect doesn't apply to monsters in your deck, most of the support cards would be working with the rest of the warriors in your deck, and not TLF. FORTUNATELY... Marauding Captain would still work. While TLF is in your HAND, it is treated as level four and can thus be summoned per MC's effect. A Warrior Returns Alive could also be used to bring a TLF destroyed by traps or monster effects back to your hand. Ryu Senshi could be used as a little substitute for Jinzo to protect TLF from traps. (Or not. Ryu Senshi and the cards required to summon it would take too much space in the deck I guess...) Now we see that plenty of cards, and not just ALO, support TLF in LoD. Finally, the TLF deck is going to get the recognition it deserves. (Second Deck Idea: TLF + Dream Clown in a warrior deck with ALO... ) Questions, Comments, or Rulings on any of this stuff (Rulings are the most welcome, of course): -Pegasus (P.S. Don't you think Deepsea Warrior looks really cool AND has a good effect? I mean, as a 4-star monster it's actually decent, and combined with Marauding Captain it gains the unattackable status of TLF) (P.P.S. I just realized something. ALO needs its last line because the fact that it's treated as Umi doesn't mean it has Umi's effect...)