Subject: Philosophy on trading This is my first tip, so please don't bombard me with how bad my tip is, just try to give me some pointers. This tip is about trading. That great thing that we are all capable of doing. Now for those people who trade and don't care at all about what they are trading, or if they even need or want the card they are trading for, this tip is NOT for you. Please stop reading abd continue with your life. If you actually think about what you are going to trade, and for what card, this is for you. here it is: I myself run 4 different decks, but I have 1 main deck. I usually put all my best cards in this deck, which would be my dark deck. What I always do when I am trading is think about do I really even need this card in my already overloaded deck? ( I have 46 cards in my deck) If yes then I proceed to think about what i am trading, and if I am getting a more situational card, or a flat out awesome card. I usually am always willing to trade more for cards like raigeki because there is'nt really anything bad about that card. But cards like Fairy Meteor Crush, white hole, anti raigeki, even though they are good I would trade a lot less for them. I then think about what am I trading for this card. Is it something in my main deck, or am I trading for something to put in my other deck(s). I know I have a major problem trying to keep my cards in my deck down to 40, and so I usually trade something in my main deck for something else in my main deck. Another thing that a lot of people seem to forget is yugioh is JUST A GAME! I was trading with this kid and when I wouldn't trade my mirror force he started to cry (He was only 9 but still) I mean you have to of had hard ships that were harder for u than just trying to get that dang Jinzo. Another thing I see often, people trade great commons like DNA surgury for cards like Armend Ninja?! If it is rare it doesn't meen it is good. I could list a hundreds of commons better than like armed ninja or hahe-hane. Finaly and I promis I will shut up, try to trade only for mint or semi mint cards. If you read this whole thing and you want to send me hate mail go right ahead. I applaud you that you read this far and you have a right to tell my your opinion on anything that is related to yugioh. THANKS! P.S. If you are going to write me hate mail, please at least make a good argument so I have a reason to e-mail you back. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.