Subject: Corrections for the May 15th tips Earth Ultra Speed: 1. Lily's effect needs to be explained in more detail. Its effect can only be activated during a damage step (not in a chain) (which is AFTER your opponent gets the chance to chain with the attack) (which means your opponent can't chain to the effect because the attack will resolve) and the boost only lasts until the end of the DAMAGE STEP, not the turn. So you'll need to use its effect AGAIN if your opponent attacks again during the same turn. And the effect can only be used once per damage step. 2. A Mind That Reflects As Water's limit is not that the equipped monster needs to be level three or lower; technically it's 1300 attack or lower. So don't start thinking you can use it in a Zombie deck. It'd be great if you could, though *sighs* The benefit is that you can equip it to a high-star monster with low ATK. Is this next set good or bad: Airknight Parshath (a.k.a Holy Knight Perseus, I believe...) is a fusion, not a tribute. If Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi is what I think it is (Fire Starter), it's a 2800 or 2900 ATK spirit monster that forces your opponent to discard his entire hand when it does LP damage. Oh, and Fiber Jar does NOT reset lp or return removed cards. And, yes, it is obviously restricted to 1. LoD Reviewed Part 2: Tornado Wall is NOT a Waboku. Waboku prevents battle damage, so your monsters won't die. Tornado Wall only prevents LP damage, so they will. My Thoughts: There is no upper bound on how much LP a player can have during a duel (I used a Fire Princess burner in WWE to get my LP to around 70,000 before I actually drew a Fire Princess). Counter Traps CANNOT be played from a hand (Quick-Play magic can be played from the hand during YOUR turn and activated if set during your opponent's). And to be extremely technical (but still not picky), the japanese version of Ha-Des DOES write it with the dash. Upperdeck did not add the dash/space/thing. The Differences Between Combos and Reactions: Weather Report's effect does not allow you to destroy your own SoRL; it must belong to your opponent to qualify. If you disagree with any of these corrections (which are all correct, by the way): -Pegasus (P.S. is it really called Holy Knight Perseus? I don't think Perseus deserves the title of "holy" (if you know the complete myth, you'd understand))