Subject: "heart of the cards"....(my definition to that quote) well it seems l find myself writing again. well mainly the reason is l got some positive feedback and it motivated me to share a few of my experience when l first played this game when LOB was the biggest thing next to slice bread. heart of the card yeah we heard it all in the t.v show and maybe in the duel. recently l just had a revelation. now l just want to warn you guys what lam about to write. l just want to remind you all that is what l think it might be, the definition of heart of the cards. l believe that the heart of the card is the type of value the card has in it for the user. you know like in the t.v show with yugi's grandfather refusing to sell his blue eyes. it didn't make any sense in the beginning of the t.v show but as the show progress it revealed why he didn't sell it. l believe that having a value in the cards itself has greater meaning than buying them singles or ripping a little kid for his jinzo for a great moth or something. l have a friend she gave me a few cards. they are snatch steal, gemini elf, barrel dragon just to name a few. yeah those are high end cards but l don't see them as high end cards. l see them as gifts. she told me l can keep them so long as l keep playing. l told her l'll keep playing and never sell them. some of you might be saying..."oh so your playing for someone" more or less but the point is that those cards are more than just card board to me. when l go to tournaments people want to trade with me. often times they give me an offer l cant refuse but when they choose a card that my friend has given me l turn down the offer and tell them that the card is a gift from a good friend. my deck symbolize the friendships with all my friends. well one of my good friends trade me his imperial for a magic jammer. seeing l have two l trade him one. that imperial order is a card l'll never trade because its my best friends card. also he gave me his black skull dragon (yeah it's a fusion at first l didn't play it but afterward l put it in my deck as my trump card and also an analogy of how strong out friendship is connected with the attack power of the black skull...yeah l know that was corny but sue me). my deck pretty much consist of my friends cards that we traded. l mean l gave my mirror force to my brother and his friends wanted to trade that card for a gate guardian...( to sell on ebay back when MRD was still hot) my brother turned it down. he told them my brother gave it to me. l feel that my deck is unique like everyone else.. like l said it's a symbol of friendships to me. so every time l draw a certain card like gemini elf. l don't see... a good monster...instead l see the card that was given or traded and has more meaning than a 1900 attacker. even the man-eater card she gave me has more value than fiber jar or exodia. yeah exodia is a great card l don't bash cards but lam. just stating that if a man eater has a greater value that because it was a gift from a friend and it means a lot to me. it would be great if l have an exodi by the way the name is Zero( trust me it roots back way before the megaman X series)). well l'd like to thank pojo for posting my letter. l appreciate it. well of course like my previous posting. negative feed backs will be dealt to the extreme. so if its negative keep it to yourself but l'll make some exception. l recieved an e-mail saying about my grammer and spelling on my last letter. well the writer was kindly enough and polite might l add to tell me about it instead of the usual "hey you cant spell worth crap" please if its negative make it a polite negative...yes l wrote to the guy back and thanked him for not being rude and l wrote to him that l'll do my best not to make so much mistake. well if your reading this ( the person who told me about my grammer and spelling e-mail me back and tell me how did l do in this one)