Subject: Please stop the bashing! ancientbrain03 Alright, I am getting tired of people bashing upperdeck. I mean I know that they have some sucky translations (Mistical Space Typhoon for example)and how they made cards that were Rares in japan ultra rares like united we stand and mage power. Also I know that a lot of people don't like that they are releasing new sets too quickly. I agree and understand people who don't like this! But just think, without upperdeck we wouldn't even be playing such a great game called yu-gi-oh! Now i know peoplewill say "Well we could just used japeneese cards" Hey guess what i am not Japeneese! I also don't know how to read Japeneese and I don't really plan too! I don't want to get out my translator everytime i get a new Cad!! Also I hear people say upperdeck favors the rich! WELL WHAT DOESN'T!!! IF YUOR RICH EVERYTHING FAVORS YOU!! Also there is something that i know is new to some of you, but you can go and work to get money to buy yu-gi-oh cards instead asking your mom for money! Lastly upperdeck needs to make a profit out of yu-gi-oh. Thats why they are so expensive! THAT IS THE WAY THE UNITED STATES IS! I also wanted to talk about people who bash beatdowns. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think beatdowns are the best decks out there, butthey should be given some credit! A lot of decks were formed specifically to counter beatdowns. That is why there are so many deck types! I have also heard people say this is an easy deck to make and play. They are DEAD WRONG! Sure it is pretty easy to decided what monsters to pt in your deck, butthe most strategic part of yu-gi-oh is the magic and trap selection. I would alsmost say HFD is better than reigeki because of that! What you pick for magic trap is definatly what makes this game so fun to play! Thats all! Well u liked what i said give me an e-mail, disagree, e-mail me, hate mail, e-mail me! Remeber the most important part of yugioh is to HAVE FUN!! =) __________________