Subject: Has the game gone too far? Is it too serious? - Chris Seriously folks. Has it gone to far? Today I witnessed something i never thought i would have to see in a tourney or anywhere involving Yu Gi Oh for that matter. I had finished my 2 duels and fininished my match before anyone else as usual when i look over and this kid is nearly pulling his hair out. His eyes were watering and he was very stressed. Then I hear him say "I got to win!!! I can't lose!!!! If I lose will never play again". I cant believe what I'm hearing/seeing.... this kid is making a fool of himself over a silly game. Of course this kid was new to the game but seriously, how many people do you see that cry over a game that they arent really that good at. I just want all you readers to remember.... if you lose, live with it. Its just a game, its not life altering and your family isnt going to stop loving you if you lose. Now your friends may be another story but if they do, that tells you that you need new friends. But just remember that this is just a game. Chris