 Post-Ban Burn Combos-DuelinMasta
Hey all, I'm back yet again, happy to have won a tournament recently, but that's another story.  I recently built a post-ban burn deck and came across these interesting little combos.
Ojama Trio + Lava Golem
This one is fairly obvious, but you play Ojama Trio to put tokens on your opponent's field and since Lava Golem is a Special Summon, you can tribute two tokens for it, doing 600 damage when the tokens are gone.  If you can lock Lava Golem down, then there's 1000 more a turn.
Cyber Jar + Ominous Fortunetelling
I hate that people don't use Ominous Fortunetelling as much as I do.  It lets you look at your opponent's hand and maybe burn a little LP.  Anyway, after Cyber Jar is flipped, you know most of the cards your opponent put in his hand.  So next turn, play Ominous Fortunetelling for some easy LP damage.
Des Counterblow + Waboku
This one I'm still experimenting with, I don't know if it's legal.  Should it be, activate both when you have no monsters and it's like a substitute for Mirror Force, because the judges at my store said 0 damage was still damage.  I haven't found anything aainst that yet.  If this is not legal, please contact me with that news.
Maybe when ban comes around, and Burn decks run rampant as Chaos does now, try a few of these combos in your own deck, they work surprisingly well.
Until next post,