Enchanted Javelin and Wabku
Get a huge life point bonus if played correctly
Lets pose a hypothetical situation:
    You have very low LP (say, 1000 to 2000) and your Opponnent has more (anywhere between 3000 and 4000 is fine). Your opponent has a stong monster on the field (Blue Eyes White Dragon if you wanna be a stereotype) and you have little or nothing in the way of stopping its attack.
    You have enchanted javelin and waboku in your hand or set on the field in set position. You despratly need a huge boost of life points. Somewhere around 3000 would be a nice boost. You ya get where Im Goin with this? hahahahaha
Here we go:
When we look at Waboku we see:
Any damage inflicted by an opponent's monster is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated.
If we look at EJ carefully we see the following:
When your opponent's monster attacks, increase your life points by the attacking monster's ATK points.
    Lets have your Blue Eyes attack you. Your opponent thinks your dead meat, already gloating in your face. But you smirk back and flip over Enchanted Javein. Big deal, your death gets postponed 1 turn (BEWD inflicts 3000 and your LP gets increased by 3000, they cancel each other out).
    But, then you play Waboku to chain it. We go back to the caneling out, -3000 + 3000. With Waboku, its -0 +3000 because Waboku decreased damage to 0.
    Now you may argue, "Axius, doesnt Waboku decrease the attack to 0? Wouldnt it make the cards void? Wouldn't it be -0(the damage) + 0(BEWD's attack points)?" No, it wouldnt.
    Look back at Waboku's effect:
Any DAMAGE INFLICTED BY AN OPPONENT'S MONSTER is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated.
Note the DAMAGE INFLICTED BY AN OPPONENT'S MONSTER if you havent already. It says nothing about decreasing the attack, just the damage.
Time for review:
EJ adds opponent's monsters attack to LP--
Current LP + ATK of opponent -  damage by opponent
Waboku stops damage by opponent--
Current LP + ATK of opponent (Damage by opponent is stopped)
Just in case you dont get it:
If i werent to play Waboku with EJ, the LP that came from EJ gets canceled out by damage by opponent. But, with Waboku played, EJ goes ahead and adds the LP from your opponent and Waboku gets rid of the damage made by your opponent.
So, lets finish our situation:
Your opponents BEWD attacks for 3000
You play EJ and then Waboku
Your life points get increased by 3000 and your         opponents damage gets cut out.
You are protected for the rest of the turn.
TA-DA!!!! You get a nice bonus of life points, your         opponent gets stupified by your wonderful combo
        and your match is saved.
Now its up to you do do the rest...
Thanks for reading