Subject: Rant on Beatdown Rants -- Gizmo

Rant on Beatdown Rants -- Gizmo

I think everyone should CHILL!!! it's just a deck. all decks have their weaknesses and strengths. a defensive deck w/ shield and sword, or and exodia deck using messenger of piece would kill a beatdown! Guess wut? Put it into your sidedeck for a tournament! And everyone who thinks beatdowns suck, try out that lil tip. it'd help!!! aight? aight! and all those beatdowners ranting about how ppl who rant about beatdowns on how they suck, u CHILL too! just ignore em! i myself, and i think EVERYONE ELSE is sick and tired of these rants. so if everyone would just stop rantin on beatdowns and how there better then any other deck or are unoriginal, i think everyone would be HAPPY!!!! If you don't agree, or DO agree with me, email me back. PeAcE!

                                    ( Name: Mark Email:

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