Subject: Simple LP calculator program for TI-83(regular) v1.0-Jay This is just a simple version of a yugi calc program. I didn't copy this from the other calc programs. If you gain health put -(however many points you gained) -> equals STO If you cant find a command press 2nd and then 0 /< equals Less than or equal(2nd, math,6) C is the damage to Player 1 D is the damage to Player 2 8000->A 8000->B Lbl J Prompt C,D Disp "A LP", A-C A-C->A Disp "B LP", B-D B-D->B If A and B>0: Goto J If A/<0:Disp "PLAYER 1 LOSES" If B/<0:Disp "PLAYER 2 LOSES" That's all! AIM: IBemasterOnionk E-mail: