Subject: Andrew Lee - "Deck Destruction Strategy..." A deck type that is very very commonly looked over in most card games is the Deck Destruction decks (minus games like Harry Potter, Decipher's Star Wars, simply because, well, that's the whole point in the first place.) These decks are based around completely nuking your opponent's library directly, instead of going against his life points. There are many advantages to this. First, Deck Destruction can't be negated in the sense, in the current enviroment, there are no ways to get your graveyard back (Penguin Knight...and how many card would be able to discard it from the library?) Two, many players don't expect it. A lot of the players i've played with my deck destruction deck don't even realise what i'm doing until i've knocked them down to a meager 10 or so cards. Finally, well, it's something new, for a change. Deck Destruction isn't the easiet to play right now, simply because of certain key cards that are almost in every single one of these decks are not out in english (yet). Ok, so now i've tweaked your interest enough to where you want to build one. Where do you start? The most important part is not to die, even without big creatures. You'll want to have plenty of defensive cards, the Hane Hane/ Magician of Faith / Swords of Revealing light combo is always nice, and Messenger of Peace is also great. Banisher of Peace is sometimes used, but i wouldn't stick it in the main deck, as though it's a 2000 defense mon for 4 stars, and it causes cards to be removed from the game, it also removes your own cards. Wall of Illusion, a very underrated card, is also a good choice. The reason i choose this card so often in defensive decks is all 4 level monsters that can kill it right now have drawbacks to them. The only 4 stars that can defeat it soundly without hurting yourself aren't out in english yet, and are also super rares, if my memory serves me correctly. Now, you've got him in a lockdown. The problem is, you went first, and your decks going to run out before his! What to do? In comes the only combo that will be able to put you over the hump (with proper backup by Magic Jammers, Mystical Space Typhoons, u kno the crew). Try to get your opponent to place 3+ magic/trap cards on the field. You can help him (and speed up the deck destruction process) by using Cyber Jar and forcing him to draw cards. Drop a Giant Turrenade, then re-place all your magic/trap cards, try to get your hand size as small as possible, then pull of a Card Destruction or two, magician of faiths only help in this situation by getting the Card Destructions back. Prevent from using Confiscation or Steadfast Guard, as it kind of waters down the effectiveness of Card Destruction in this certain situation. Delinquent Duo (gag...Upper Deck really changes those card names from original jap titles...) is even worse so...yeah. Go now, young one, and build decks to your hearts content! Any questions, email me at Bye :-D