Subject: Exodia combo helpers-david loredo This combos are made for an exodia deck and exodia only."why?" you ask, well the answere is obvious IT'S THE ONLY DECK WORTHY!!! I dont know if anybody else has noticed this but THE ENTIRE SET OF YUGIOH CARDS REVOLVES AROUND EXODIA!!!! HOW YOU USE THEM IS YOUR PROBLEM. i mean think about it exodia is like one if not the most expencive set of cards. HhHhHmMmM...... i wonder why that is.........and then theres painful choice, back up soldier, sangan, wotbf, back up soldier, last will, monster reborn, hane-hane, monster recovery card, and all of those high defence monsters. I am an exodia owner and sadly i dont use it you know why because upper deck wants to give those pathetic beatdown deck users a moment in the sun. Because when all the cards come out........ Muahahahahahaha!!!!! you wont know what hit you or were!!! well maybe youll know were but thats not the point!! the point is youll be down!!! I dont want to give away all my strategies but here is a sample of combos with the cards that are available at the momment untill then i leave you with your thoughts They have discarded your left leg this is what you do. Monster reborn(or any monster recovery card,spear cretin,premature barriel etc.)+hane-hane. you can also use back up soldier but untill they make the restriction list for psv this is all i can think of. They have cyber jared one of your pieces. monster recovery card.....(wich should always stay in the field also if they do card destruction and you have exodia you can chain it with monster recovery so youll save your exodia pieces. its practacly the same thing as the waboku and heavy storm deal thats on the official site.) (monster recovery: shuffle one of your monsters on the field to your deck then shuffle your hand to your deck after that "draw" the same number of cards wich were shuffled from your hand(i said draw because theres another cool combo with apropriet you can do. i know its when your opponent draws a card and not u, but did i ever say it was those two cards alone???'anyway hopefully u didnt draw any exodia cards This is kind of obvious but make sure you use sangan and wotbf in your exodia deck. that bieng said. share the pain+sangan+last will(use as many last wills as you have in your hand to get out another sangan or wotbf and maybe even a labarynth wall.) youll have to wait a couple of weeks to use this combo because the psv restriction list hasnt come out yet. Painfull choice(choose 5 cards from your deck and show them to your oponent he then must choose wich one of those cards goes to your hand)+back up soldier(its a trap that you can only activate when you have atleast 3 monsters in your graveyard, it lets you take 3 non effect monsters and put them in your hand from your graveyard.) instructions: use painfull choice and take 3 pieces of exodia and 2 other things your choice ;). then hopefully you have had back up soldier in your field for more than one turn if not well..... just make sure you have it ok? anyways speaking of the french how about them fry's. And them ommelets are soo.......sorry back to the thing about the stuff =) use the bus (back up soldier) and get back the 3 pieces. for any further questions send email to