Wrom: UIVOTQNQEMSFDULH Heres my top ten cards 10. Dark Magician - He has good statistics but there are stronger level 7 and higher monsters out there 9. Curse of Dragon - like DM but with level 5 and 6 8. Flute of Summoning Dragon - good for getting BEWD out faster 7. Lord of Dragons - gets the dragons out with the help of the Flute... 6. Summoned Skull - probably the strongest 1 tribute monster out there 5. Devil Franken - good for bringing out BEUD 4. Blue Eyes White Dragon - I would rate him higher but he does have his weaknesses 3. Change of Heart - hello opponents Blue Eyes 2. Monster Reborn - come back to me Blue Eyes 1. so secret...so rare...so incredibly powerful...Kuribo!!! just kidding. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is my best monster because hey, what else can I say? No traps can stop him and not a lot of magics either. Probably your best chance of stopping him would be Dark Hole, Raigeki, or Exodia. And if your thinking well dragon capture jar can get him too your wrong. Fusions can't be effected by any traps at all. ha