Subject: The new top 10 Monsters 10:REBD: Weak 7 star, but cool 9: Dark Magician: 2 sacrifices for the same atk as Summoned Skull? 8: Gaia THe Dragon Champion: Cool Fusion 7: Summoned Skull: Same as DM but 1 sacrifice 6: Barrel Dragon: Tight effect! 5: Man Eater Bug: Bye bye blue eyes, Monster reborn, hello blue eyes! 4: Tri Horned Dragon: Because its secret rare 3: BEWD: Well duh! 2: Black Skull Dragon: Strongest MR card 1: Gate Guardian/ Blue Eyes Ultamite Dragon/ 3 God Cards: Strongest attack monsters Magic/ Trap 10: Harpies Feather Duster: Who knows what the opponent is planning? 9:Card Destruction: If Blue Eyes is in hand, see ya! 8: Dark Hole: If it's restricted, it must be good 7: Trap Hole: Another Bye Bye BEWD 6: Swords of Reavealing Light: A great Advantage 5:Last Will: Hello Man Eater Bug! 4: Mirror Force: It is 2 strong 3: Monster Reborn: See why pojo gave it a 5/5? 2:Waboku: No damage! 1: Raigeki: The best of them all! Improve your deck with this list. Happy Dueling!