Underplayed Control Cards-- Chaosmech ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "chaosmech@juno.com" T chaosmech@juno.com Today I bring to you the underplayed control cards. And here they are. 1. Exchange I read the article on this Card of the Day. The guesswork was a major contributing factor to its unplayability. Only play this card if you have crap in your hand. But in the region in which I play, everyone knows everyone else's deck, so this is good in combination with the next card... 2. Dark Designator Declare 1 Monster Card name. If the declared card is in your opponent's Deck, add 1 of that card to your opponent's hand. It really only works if you know your opponent's deck type. I would suggest main-decking this in the second duel of the match along with Exchange to take your opponent's best card. You automatically know one card in your opponent's hand. 3. D. D. Designator Declare 1 card name. Look at your opponent's hand, and if he/she has declared card in his/her hand, remove that 1 card from play. If he/she doesn't have the declared card in his/her hand, remove 1 random card in your hand from play. Again, combos very well with Dark Designator, or stuff like Confiscation or Forceful Sentry. Plus, if you grab this from your opponent with Exchange (not likely, but still...) you can remove another monster from their hand. Removing from your opponent's hand is always a plus. 4. Fengsheng Mirror (Normal Spell) Look at your opponent's hand. Select and discard 1 Spirit monster to the Graveyard if Spirit monsters exist in his/her hand Pre-ban, one of the only ways to ditch Yata. Post-ban, use it to get Tsukoyomi. You get to see your opponent's hand, and if they have already used their spirit, it goes to their hand. Combo this with D. D. Designator. 5. Abyssal Designator (Normal Spell) Pay 1000 Life Points. Declare a Type and an Attribute. Your opponent must send 1 monster with both the Type and Attribute declared from his/her hand or Deck to the Graveyard. Pay 1000 LP, a hefty cost, but if you get it right, it has the potential to strike your opponent's deck, a power no other card but Nobleman of Crossout has right now. Unfortunately, it hurts against themed decks, because that card you might have wanted to get rid of could be the same Type/Attribute as a weaker card (ex. BLS-EOTB and Blade Knight). and 1000 LP is a large amount for a wasted card. 6. Dragged Down into the Grave Both players show their hands. You each select one card from the other's hand and send it to the graveyard. Then, both players draw one card. This card is pretty good. If you have crap in your hand, play this card, get rid of an opponent's card, and then draw. An excellent way for you to get Chaos fuel into the graveyard, and then maybe draw that BLS or chaos Sorceror you were looking for. Love me, hate me, it doesn't matter, just email me at chaosmech@juno.com. Please! Chaosmech ___________________________________________________________________