Jnzo21@aol.com Top Ten Zombies- Blackfang Hey duelists its me again Blackfang and I wanna tell ya all that every since I bought the Zombie Madness Structure Deck, I've been kicking @$$ at Advanced tourneys. Here are some cards I think this deck really needs support from. 1. Vampire Genesis- The main killer in the deck, it can recycle any zombie from your graveyard for a small cost. The only problem is that it removes yer Vampire Lord from the game permanently. 2. Vampire Lord- You've known him since Traditional and he makes no difference here, plus he always comes back to PO yer opponent. 3. Ryu Kokki- WHAT! you can now kill a BLS, enough said, I'm running it!!! 4. Poison Mummy- Even though its only 500 damage to you opponent, this little guys can maul down your opponent when ran in 3's. 5. Despair from the Dark- With so much control going around, you may wanna have these guys hanging around in your deck (vlord attacks, I call monster, hahaha look at this! HOLY $HIT!!!) 6. Royal Keeper- IMO, I think pojo miscalculated this cards effect, i think even when its attacked by a spear or gemini it automatically becomes a 2000 def monster. [Note: Nope, we were right. It doesn't get its boost until AFTER damage calculation] 7. Pyramid Turtle- A Zombie searcher, run it, no questions asked. 8. Soul Absorbing Bone Tower- Since zombies get special summoned a lot, every turn u might get two don zaloog effects. 9. Spirit Reaper- Ahh, the reaper, hes good stall food and he provides a hand disruption effect along with it. 10. ??? Chaos Stalker ???- This card has been played in Japan for quite some time. The effect states that when it is summoned successfully, you get to summon as many lights and darks from your hand as possible. And also when it is destroyed, you get to randomly discard one card from your opponents hand. Good for BLS. [Note: Pretty sure this one doesn't exist, but who knows...] Any questions, comments, or duels, you know where to find me, Jnzo21@aol.com Late duelists!!!