Matt V's top ten favorite cards of all time D Hey, these are my favorite cards, and I know a lot of cards. 10. Marauding Captain- This card has awesome art, I mean the two swords and the robe, that's cool, and plus his effect can be game breaking, or you can swing for a lot. 9. Mataza the Zapper- This card is so cool, you know he's about to kill that guy on a horse, and plus he is the scapegoat killer. 8. Goblin Attack Force- This card is the ultimate beat stick, and he has a goblin in his name, and that is awesome. 7. Change of Heart- This is an awesome picture, a half demon half angel, awesome, and it has won me a lot of duels. 6. Fiber Jar- This card is awesome, though some people may say differently. I remember when I got this card in a pack and I was amazed. This card has saved me duels a lot, and it is amazing. 5. Scapegoat- This card is so cool, I mean 4 defenders on the field, that's a pretty good deal. And with creature swap it is awesome. This card has not only saved me in duels, but help me turn the tides and win. 4. Swords of revealing light- I got this card all the way back in July 2002! I traded a rude kaiser, petit moth and a great moth! This card has given me so much time to beat my opponent down. 3. Berserk Gorilla- This card is sometimes better than Goblin Attack Force. He can attack for a quarter of your opponents life points and stay in attack mode, this card is definitely awesome. 2. United We Stand- There is a story behind this. Last year at a tournament, which I never really do good at, except this time. It was between rounds and I had a Yata, and I heard the bans were coming soon, and I wasn't using Yata (don't ask) and I decided to trade it. I got a United We Stand and a trap jammer(I know I ripped myself off). Later It was the quarter finals and I was dueling a kid with a good reputation with his magician deck, said to be one of the best there, and i beat him in one duel, and the next one I was in ok position but I knew I had to win fast, and I drew United, equipped it to Mad Dog of Darkness, used change of heart on his Gemini, and won. and number 1 is drum roll please ................... ................... La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the lamp- This may be confusing, and there is another story here too. It was July 2002, way back during metal raiders, and I was a really bad duelist, and I was dueling one of the best duelist in town. I managed to get him down to 2300. I summoned La Jinn and attacked for 1800. I set Just desserts, he summoned a shadow ghoul, getting ready for a big hit when BAM! I flipped just desserts and won. I have always remembered that moment as one of the best duels of my life, and La jinn as my number one favorite card. Thanks for reading, I accept any duels from people online, and I play advanced format and I play a very good warrior deck(as far as my duels show). My name is matt valdespino and you can reach me at