Noor Hamdi ChaosGeneral's Top 10 NOMI Cards Hey everyone! This is my first time to send anything to pojo, so i hope you all like it... As we know, in this game there is a classification of monsters known as "NOMI" monsters, or, put simply, monsters that cannot be special summoned except by some card effect. (and thats basically their text too) Most of them have really good effects, however, and end up as ultra rares half the time. (NOTE: By "nomi monsters" i mean the ones that cannot be special summoned even after they are initially special summoned) Here's my 10 favorites: #10 - Dark Magician Knight (Dark/Warrior/7/2500/2100) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Knight's Title". If this card is Special Summoned successfully, select 1 card on the field and destroy it. This card's problem is that his effect is not optional. While you probably wouldnt summon it if your opponent had no cards on the field, if you did, hed either destroy himself or one of your other cards. The other bad part about it is that it (usually) can only be used once. When you do use it, though, it is quite useful and achieves #10. #9 - Gearfried the Swordmaster (Light/Warrior/7/2600/2200) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Release Restraint". When this card is equipped with an Equip Card, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field. This card is a bit easier to summon then some of the other NOMI monsters, but his problem is that his effect is hard to pull off sometimes. It works well with Archfiend of Gilfer, but you need a lot of equip cards to abuse it. Also, his ATK is kind of lacking. #8 - Blue Eyes Shining Dragon (Light/Dragon/10/3000/2500) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering 1 "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" on your side of the field as a Tribute. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points for each Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. You can negate the effect of Spell, Trap, and Monster Cards that designate this card. This card's text might as well be "If you live in an area other than Japan, you cannot summon this card. Ever." (due to our lack of BEUD) It is really hard to summon, unless you Morph BEUD or Cyber Stein it, but both options are a bit "meh". The effect of negating cards that designate it is really good, and makes it immune to a lot of cards. It also can boost its ATK up to high heavens, the same way Red Eyes Darkness Dragon can. Still, unless you play with Japanese cards, this card is confined to looking pretty in your binder. #7 - Sorceror of Dark Magic (Dark/Spellcaster/9/3200/2800) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering 2 Level 6 or higher Spellcaster-Type monsters on your side of the field as Tributes. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you can negate the activation of Trap Cards and destroy them. Horus' counterpart, but with 200 more ATK points. (and hes a spellcaster) I would've rated him a bit higher, but after Magical Scientist is banned, its a lot harder to summon this monster. Its a lot easier to pay 2000 LP to summon two Sanwitches. Still, his ATK is great for his star level, and his effect is as well. You can negate any of your opponent's traps for no cost and destroy them, unlike Jinzo. However, hes still hard to get out, and there are more trap negating monsters and cards out there. (artwork is awesome by the way) #6 - Silent Swordsman LV7 (Light/Warrior/7/2800/1000) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Silent Swordsman LV5". As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, negate the effects of all Spell Cards on the field. I must say, this card has my award for best artwork. It was hard deciding between making this or Sorceror #6, and i ended up saying this one since its easier to summon. This card is an Imperial Order in monster form, but the only way to get rid of it is to get rid of this monster. (or flip it FD, but the only ways i can think of to do that without Book of Moon is by Ready for Intercepting or Tsukuyomi) That can be bad, since most decks run about 5-9 more spells than traps. The thing that i dont like about this card is that i prefer Silent Swordsman LV5's effect over this one. #5 - Mazera DeVille (Dark/Fiend/8/2800/2300) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering 1 face-up "Warrior of Zera" on your side of the field as a Tribute while "Pandemonium" is on the field. If "Pandemonium" is on your side of the field when you Special Summon this card successfully, your opponent discards 3 random cards from his/her hand. Zerato and this card are two of my favorites. This card , however, is a bit worse because its effect is only able to be used once (usually). The bad part about this card is that, to my knowledge, its NOT an Archfiend, which reduces its usefulness in decks that use Pandemonium (seeing as how those are usually archfiend decks). Also, its uber hard to summon because its not an Archfiend, since then you cant search it out through Pandemonium. Warrior of Zera has to be there too. However, usually by the time you summon this, your opponent's hand is gonna be gone after he hits the field. That is a huge plus. #4 - Armed Dragon LV7 (Wind/Dragon/7/2800/1000) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Armed Dragon LV5". Send 1 Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy all face-up monsters on your opponent's side of the field with an ATK equal to or less than the ATK of the sent monster. Man, what is up with LV monsters and low DEF's? Anyway, this card's effect is one of the best monster destruction ones and can be used multiple times in a turn. Sending the monster is a cost, though, so if Armed Dragon's effect is negated, you dont get a "refund". The part about this effect that makes it come before #3, which you will see in a moment, is that it only targets face-up monsters. The good part is that hes really easy to summon. He combos well with REDD and BESD, but you need to make sure the monster that you discard has a high ATK to maximize his potential. #3 - Archlord Zerato (Light/Fairy/8/2800/2300) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering 1 face-up "Warrior of Zera" on your side of the field as a Tribute while "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field. If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on your side of the field, discard 1 LIGHT Monster Card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. Warrior of Zera's good side is, IMO, better than Mazera hands down. He does, however, have all the disadvantages that Mazera does. However, when you get him out he can act as multiple Raigeki's just by discarding LIGHT monsters, making his effect more versatile than Armed Dragon LV7. He can feed Mudora this way(most of the time), and Chaos cards too i guess. (I hope you arent using this card in a Chaos deck '_';;) I think he has a great effect, except for his summon requirements, which drag him down. #2 - Dark Paladin (Dark/Spellcaster/8/2900/2500)"Dark Magician" + "Buster Blader" This monster can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you can negate the activation of 1 Spell Card and destroy the Spell Card by discarding 1 card from your hand. The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for each Dragon-Type monster on the field and in either player's Graveyard. Dark Paladin definatly is my favorite fusion monster of all time, and the only one that people actually use with Polymerization. (Because you have to) It's effect is great, and Spell negation is a very vital thing. The cost of discarding a card is what makes it #2. The 500 point boost is a great addition, but not its not as good as its first effect. Usually, hes found in decks with Dark Magician (duh), but Buster Blader probably wont be present. Rather, people will use a substitute. The Dark Hex Sealed Fusion cant be used with him, though, and neither can Metamorphosis, which reduces his sightings in uber-competitive tournaments, most of the time. (Fusions are so demoralized) #1 - Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 (Fire/Dragon/8/3000/1800) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summmoned except by the effect of "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6". As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, you can negate the activation and effect of any Spell Cards and destroy them. And the winner is..... Horus! Who saw this coming? (sarcasm) This monster probably has so many decks based around it, mainly because of its uber effect. The counterpart to Sorceror, but his effect, i think, is more vital. Spell cards are definatly more dangerous than a lot of trap cards are, and he destroys the cards too, unlike Silent Swordsman LV7 and Imperial Order. Lots of people i know combo him with Royal Decree and Divine Wraths. The main disadvantage of his effect to Silent Swordsman's is that Horus can be Divine Wrath'd. He pwns a bit more than Dark Paladin does because of his higher ATK and freer effect. Overall, a great card and one that screams out "Build decks around me!!" With that, i conclude my segment. You can find me at "" if you want to send me hate mail or (like?) mail. Dont send me hate mail though, since itll probably be lost in the infinite abyss of cyberspace. ;-) ~Chaos General