Paladin Chambers top 10 ways to use sinister serpent easy discarding: tribe, spiritual energy settling machine, tibute to the doomed, magic jammer, etc. are just a few ways this sneaky snake infinate defender: although it wont last long, this snake is a constant nusence to run into. especially if you have dark door on the field ultra evolution pill/metamorhpahis: it sucks to turn this weak monster into an incredibly strong black tyranno or thousand eyes restrict. creature swap: take thier BLS and you give them your serpent as a reward. painful choice: guarantee that you will get the right cards in your graveyard by adding this to the five. Most smart duelist will give you the serpent unless of course they want you to get two cards from the deal reliable tribute: like said before it won't stay on the field long for the most part, but it can be a free tribute monste if you protect it. wasted hand disruption effects/ yata-CED survival: If this little guy happens to be in your hand or on the field when CED blows up the world or Don Zoloog tries to get sneaky with your cards, you will have at least one last line of defense. lessens the blow of major discarding effects: such as mirage, card destruction, morphing jar, graceful charity, etc. hand limit: with the 6 card hand, it can lessen the pressure of having to discard precious cards Any misc. reasons to get that snake in the graveyard: There are supposly over 150 combos to use serpent with, but most of them are repeats of the same purpose. All reasons 2-10 are the main reasons to use him. Valuable card, definate needs to be kept in check. Any questions or flames? perhaps you want to duel with me? if you do, email