dragon0291@comcast.net FireDragon's Top 10 Linkin Park Songs Cards Hi. I'm FireDragon. I wanted to be original. Most cards are based on TV shows and freakishly strong monsters. I'm a Linkin Park fan. Hey, yo, check it out. 10. Faint/Trap/Continuous This effect must be used once every turn. Pay 700 life points to destroy one card on the field. 9. Breaking the Habit/Magic/Continuous This effect can be used once per turn. Pay 1300 life points. During your opponent's draw phase, look through your oppponent's deck and specifically select the card your opponent is going to draw. The deck is then shuffled. 8. Lying From You/Trap/Normal This card can be activated when your opponent declares an attack. Draw one card from your deck, look at it, and place it face down on the field. Say whether the card is a trap, magic or monster. Your oppoent must guess whether you're lying or not. If he/she guesses wrong, you can take back up to 3 cards from either you or your opponent's graveyard. If he/she guesses right, discard the top 7 cards of your deck. The card goes to your hand. 7. Figure 09/Magic/Continuous As long as this card remains face up on the field, you can take one card from your graveyard and add it to your deck during your Standby Phase. Your opponent gains 900 life points at each of his/her End Phase. 6. Numb/Trap/Continuous As long as this card remains face up on the field, your opponent's monsters can't attack. He/she gains 1000 life points during each of his/her Standby Phase. 5. One Step Closer/Trap/Normal You can activate this card during your Draw Phase. Draw the card at the bottom of your deck. 4. Somewhere I Belong/Magic/Normal Select one monster from your deck and Special Summon it to the field in any position. Your opponent gains 2000 life points. 3. High Voltage/Trap/Normal Destroy all of your opponent's Magic and Trap cards on the field. For every card that's destroyed, you lose 600 life points. 2. Crawling/Magic/Equip A monster equipped with this card deduct's its owner's life points by half of it's DEF during its owner's Standby Phase. 1. Papercut/Trap/Continuous During your opponent's Draw Phase, he/she must discard the first card he/she draws and draws the next card. The owner of this card must pay 700 life points during each of his/her Standby Phase or else this card is destroyed. contact me @ ThunderDragon517@yahoo.com. no hate mail!