(Harmon Weisansal) Yugioh Top 10 List- Dimensia's Top 15 Yugioh Cards of All time These are easily the best cards ever made in America. 15.Kuriboh- Its especially useful in Chaos decks, and negates battle damage and only a few useless commons that can negate it. 14. Pot of Greed- A staple and its simple too. Draw 2 cards. It really comes in handy. 13.Heavy Storm- This is a spell and trap Dark Hole, and I doesnt have its times, im mean if you go second, you can activate your Heavy Storm and your spell and trap free. 12. Dark Hole- This is a nice staple. Its destroys every monster on the field. It's especially essential if there's a Jinzo on the field or Envoy. 11.Imperial Order- Nice staple, only 700 lp per turn its not all that bad and it can be destroyed any time you dont want to pay. 10. Reflect Bounder- Nice effect, magic cylinder that is and its a light so it goes good with Chaos decks. No tributes, 1700 atk and Witch searchable, its pretty good. 9.Magic Cylinder- Sweet effect. Negates the attack and then redirects it on your opponent life points. 8.Swords of Revealing Light- Used to be a good staple but people started using it less and less. But not leting your opponent atk for 3 turn comes in handy. 7. Dark Ruler Ha Des- A nice 1 tribute card with a sweet effect. Negates the activation of any effects destroyed by fiend types on your side of the field. Oh, did i mention it's a fiend type? 6. Mirror Force- Negate an atk and destroy all your opponents atk mode cards. Its not that bad except for that its only activate when your opponent atks. 5. Fiber Jar- This card is a staple as well. It basically restarts the whole duel execpt for the life points and sometime make your opponents lp wide open. 4. Raigeki- Essential to any deck. With the power to destroy all your opponent monsters, why not? It could get rid of monsters like Jinzo or the Envoys or just make your opponents LPs wide open. 3. Witch and Sangan- Staples. Thats all i can say. Witch, 1500 def or less, Sangan, 1500 atk or less are chosen from your deck into your hand. Essential in Exodia decks and Chaos decks. 2. Yata-Garasu- Essential as well. This monster card is an awesome staple if you can get your hands on one. The card, when damage is done to your opponents LP, your opponent cant draw next turn. Sometimes its the end of the game. 1. Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Begining/Chaos Emporer Dragon-Envoy of the End- Read the effect for Black Luster- This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. Once during each of your turns, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects: -Remove 1 monster on the field from play. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn. -If this card destroyed your opponent's monster as a result of battle, it can attack once again in a row. Now read Chaos- This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. Pay 1000 of your Life Points to send all cards in both players' hands and on the field to the Graveyard. Inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each card that is sent to the Graveyard by this effect. Now tell me those aren't kick butt effects. Black Luster with a remove a monster from the game or Hayabusa effect with 3000 atk, and Chaos with a nice LP damage to your opponent, and if you play your cards right, theres a few combos you can whip up with them too. If you have any questions email me at harmonweis@yahoo.com -Harmon Weisansal harmonweis@yahoo.com