Sean's top 10 cards-Chaos based Please bear in mind that i run a chaos deck, so im probably biased towards it. Anyway here's my ten best 10. Pot of Greed 1 for 2. what more do i need to say, especially with draw power at the premium it's at? 9. Yata-Garasu In the right situation, you win. you can build decks around this little crow(or whatever it is). and works well with Chaos Empperor Dragon/witch/yata combo. 8. Cyber Jar i was in a tournament this week and i let a guy fill up his entire monster zone while i had swords of revealing light out, set cyber jar, he hit it-not good for him. this card can completely change a duel around, and in my chaos deck it also gets monsters on the field and consequently in the graveyard so that helps. very solid card, can work as both an opening move or a last-ditch defense. 7. Mirror Force Another card that can be lethal. i love it when my opponent builds up an army, attacks, and gets totally wiped out. 6. Monster Reborn Get back anything. works nice with Dark magician of chaos, as you can revive and then just take monster reborn back. it doesn't have the weakness of being able to be killed with MST like COTH or Premature burial, and you can put the monster in attack or defense. very solid staple. 5. Imperial Order At worst, it's a free all-turn magic jammer. or, if you have no spells in your hand, just keep it active. 700 lp really isnt a whole lot, and it will infuriate your opponent when he can't use his hand full of spells, becuase once this thing's one the field its not easy to get rid of because MST, heavy storm, and HFD are useless(although you can chain MST to imp orders activation. 4. Raigeki The thunderbolt that will open the path to a direct attack. this is another card that goes well with SORL, letting your opponent build his army and then decimating it. 3. Harpies feather duster #3 and #4 are pretty much tied, IMO. HFD does the exact same thing that raigeki does, except it hits the other row of the game mat, the spells and traps. i have it at number 3 because i find s/t's a little more dangerous than monsters, but you can probably interchange this and raigeki depending on the deck yo're facing. 2. Chaos Emperor Dragon, Envoy of the End For one thing, this card, IMO, has the best artwork in all of duel monsters. once youre done admiring the picture, its an easily special summoned 3000/2500 attacker with a blow-up-the-world effect that works with many combos, including the famou sCED/witch or sangan/yata yata-lock scenario. all in all, CED is the best except for... 1. Black Luster Soldier, Envoy of the Beginning ...his brother Envoy, the Black luster Soldier. I like his removal effects over CED's bomb effect because you can actually use his effects to fight rather than just blow everything up(i still love blowing up though!). Black Luster Soldier has 3000/2500 stats, is easily special summoned, and is lethal effect-wise. defense monsters fall before him, and the jars get removed before they can ever flip. plus the artwork is the best in the game, save for his brother the Chaos Emperor Dragon, whose artwork is very marginally better. Well, there's my top 10. my email adress is talk 2 u later.