Will's Top 10 Decks I Hate Going Against This is my 2nd Top 10 post on PoJo.I hope you guys post it.MY s/n if you need to contact me is Skbdbilly@aol.com. 10.Dark decks-I hate going 'gainst theese cuz' dark mons are one of the stongest mons out thur. 9.Dragon decks-These suck cuz' the old,but effecktive lord of d. combo.It sux when you have like 3 1900's on the field and they bring 3 good dragons.Yur screwd if you can't stop it. 8.Dark scorpion decks-These aren't very common,but thur are people who use it whur I live and thur pain in @$$ when yur field is cleer and they atc. with don.It sux. 7.Warrior decks-These piss me off cuz Freed and Marauding Capt. make it really easy for them to fill up thur field. 6.Spellcasters decks-These suck wit the release of DMoC.This the deck that killed me in the finals of this torney I went to. 5.Wimpy decks(g-bind)-These suck cuz if you have high-level mons out and they acitvate this and you don't have a MS.It sux badly. 4.Burn decks-Dude,these are bad cuz they can make you go threw your deck and I got decked out really fast time. 3.Control decks-These decks are really common,too common.I got Yata-Locked in 3 turns time. 2.Chaos decks-Now I run a Chaos deck and they are extremely powerful.I just hate going against them. 1.Beatdown-The single most hated deck out there.I despise people who run these.It takes no brain-power to use these.All you do is put in 1900's and Yata.These decks suck apples. .....And if you need to conact me i'm at SKBDBilly@Aol.com.