Josh Katarns top 10 Fiends ok so i have a little writers block. Ive been working on my Halo website, so heres some of my fav fiends. 10) Archfiend Soldier- this is a strong monster but there are better chocies. 9) Balter- its a fusion but the effect is awsome. 8) Slate Warrior- 1900 or 2400, let me know if u find a reason not to run this guy. 7) Sangan- one of IMO the monster staple. 6) Summoned Skull/Skull Archfiend of Lightning- 2500 atk searchable whats not to like 5) Invader of Darkness- this guy will get alot better when a Kiaser Sea Horse of dark types. 4) Lava Golem- ya hes good in the right deck, i also just found out hes a fiend huh go figure. 3) Shadowknight Archfiend- 2000 atk...YAY 2) Terrorking Archfiend- 2000 atk and negate attack come on. now for my favorite fiend 1) Dark Ruler Ha Des- one sac for 2450, and give negate effect to all fiends how is that be. so theres the fiends, contact me at and if u want to get info about my Halo site let me know.