DiScO's top 10 cards - a must for all decks DiScO's top 10 cards for any deck - These 10 cards should be in every deck.... 10 - Bottomless Trap Hole - when your opponent normal summons, flip summons or SPECIAL SUMMONS a monster with an attack of 1500 or more, the monster is destroyed and removed from play. it reomves the card from play so that it cannot be revived from the graveyard.... 9 - Malevolent Nuxxler - what more can i say.. it raise ATK by 700! 8 - Ominous Fortuntelling - You can guess what kind of card an opponent has in his hand, 1 in 3 chance of getting it right with either monster, spell or trap, if you guess right they lose 700 LP.... works great when they only have one card in their hand! 7 - Different Dimension Capsule - You can take any card from your deck and have it in your hand in your next turn...... brilliant for making combos and fusions 6 - Enraged Battle Ox - LP can still be taken away in battle against defense mode monsters... great against people you have on the defense 5 - Ryu Kokki - 6 stars so u only need one tribute with an ATK of 2400 and DEF of 2000.... howvere if it enters battle with warriors of spellcastors... they are destroyed afterwards... especially good against beginners with yugi starter deck 4 - Giant Orc - Only 4 stars with an ATK for 2200!!!!! 3 - Pyro Clock of Destiny - Activate this card during your turn and your opponent skips their next turn.......... 2 - Princess of Tsurugi - Flip - Inflict 500 DD for every spell and trap on the opponents side of the feild... upto 2500 DD... wow 1 - Change of Heart - Every one should know what this card does.... and its great to leave the opponent wide open for attacks.... especially if you control cards like Blue Eys White Dragon or Black Luster Soldier thanks for reading this should help.... noddy_joe@hotmail.com _________________________________________________________________