Breaker's top 10 cards I wish Konami didn't make yugi 10. Wall of Illusion- This is much, much more annoying than Hane-Hane, his effect only happens once, Wall's is inevitable. Plus, at the time, there were no 4-star cards with more than 1850 attack power. 9. Jinzo- This card just kills the entire aspect of trap cards. Some of the best combos involve traps, and Jinzo just kills them. Also, he looks a lot like Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid (a Konami game), Konami should put more cards base on other games, like Nin-Ken Dog should have been Nin-Ken Turtle. 8. Gren Maju De Eiza- Out of play should just mean completely out of the game, now this card's here. I wouldn't be suprised if Konami made a level beyond out of play, like "ripped in half". 7. Bad Reaction to Simochi- This is just unfair, my friend has a bad reaction deck. LIke Snatch Steal+Eye of Truth+Bad Reaction, I lose 2000 LP every turn while he has one of my monsters and can see my hand 6. Skill Drain- Skill Drain isn't too annoying, but I don't like it. 5. Sasuke Samuria- This kills everything face-down, even things with a higher DEF. No, really. I hate him so much. 4. Kuriboh- This has saved me as many times as it has annoyed me, I still don't think it should exist 3. Man-Eater Bug- I play Shinato in attacjk mode, I attack the face-down card! No, not him, NOO!!! 2. Yata-Garsu- Oh, no you don't use Raigeki and Robbin Goblin, Oh, no you don't play Delinquant Duo, No I have no cards in my hand. Yata? No! Actually, this card is so weak, my opponent would usually have to play something else or they'd deck out. 1. Trap Hole- I play Buster Blader! I- AHH!! I HATE TRAP HOLE!!!!! It kills everything you have, you summon this powerful card, then Trap Hole! I hate it! Plus, that card is so common! Everybody has one! Konami really wasn't thinking when they made this, it seems like the only safe cards to play anymore are Tyrant Dragon and Jinzo. I never said these cards are bad, just they shouldn't have been made, so don't tell me how good Yata and Jinzo are becuase I know they're good.