top ten list


  James Top Ten List  Top Ten Overrated Cards   

10 graceful charity. I know this card should be in every deck, but it still is a little to overrated. Its a 3 for 3 trade, not bad but not great. 

9 confiscation. Id rather just put a card back to your opponents deck than having to pay 1000 and discard one card. Your opponent still looses a card with the forceful sentry. The 1000 life points is too much to pay for this situation.

 8 united we stand. People can set a MST and destroy this card when the monster equips with it attacks and more than likely destroy the attacking monster.

7 spirit reaper. In my metagame people play so many equips its not funny. I usually only have this card out for only 1-3 turns but that may be different for you.

6 magic cylinder. One of those traps that isnt chainable. As we all know the only good non- chainable trap is mirror force.

5 cyber jar. You get a new hand but so does your opponent. Ive found this card to be more helpful to my opponent than myself.

4 injection fairy lily. 2000 life points are to much to pay in almost any situation. This monsters major weakness is kuribo

3 breaker the magical warrior. This monster will drop down to a 1600 when you use its effect causing normal 1900s / 2000s to run right through it.

2 reflect bounder. This monster is only good for chaos decks when you use painful choice. Anywhere else this card is bad (besides casual). There is so many monster removal cards out right now that this monster will most likely not get its effect       

1 Exiled Force. Its just one monster youre destroying, Id rather play fissure over this, plus you waste your summon for the turn.





James                                     Dark_Necrofear13