excal's top 10 fusion cards So here it is. I'm sick of seeing n00b list and lists that make no sense. Since there isnt a top 10 fusion, i'll make one. 10. Black Skull Dragon - Why is this here? I don't know. I guess its big. Theres nothing else thats decent that can make the list. 7. + 8. + 9. Punished Eagle / Empress Judge / Roaring Ocean Snake - All important parts of the Scientist + Turtle OTK. Also solid level 6 beatstick that is easily metamorphed (e.g. Change of hearts Jinzo, attack, metamorph.) 6. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Whats there to say? Big attacked, relativly easy to bring out (by the means of cyberstein), his very own OTK combo, its pretty good. 4. + 5. Dark Flare Knight / Crimson Sunbird - An OTK combo, they are also both good just as big Magical Scientistable monsters. 3. Dark Paladin - A little harder to get out, but if you sucessfully bring this out, it has the potential to be very good. Continous Magic jammer? I like it. Solid attack, with the 500 boost for each dragon, throw in some spear dragons or luster dragons in your deck, and you are set. Downside is that its only good in a deck that revolve around it. 2. Ryu Senshi - Magical Scientistable, Jinzo like effect, 1000 lp cost, but you can use traps? I like the sound of that. The second effect isnt going to be very useful, but its not bad right? 1. Dark Balter the Terrible - Why? Is 1000 life points magic jammer not good? Or is the Hades effect not good enough for you? 2000 atk is solid. Also Magical Scientistable Any comments? send to excaladbiur@hotmail.com